Cecilia Pennetta

          Short Curriculum Vitae

          Cecilia Pennetta graduated in Physics at the University of Lecce in 1979. In 1983 she received the “Magister Philosophiae”
          degree in Physics at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) of Trieste, Italy. She was guest for two years
          at  the  Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of  Lausanne, Switzerland.  In 1985  she  became  assistant professor at the Science
          Faculty of  the Lecce University,  carrying out her research activity in the Physics Department.  Starting  from 1999  she is
          member of the Innovation Engineering Department of  the same University and from 2002 she is associate professor at the
          Science Faculty. She has been involved in several research projects and she has been responsible for some of  them.  She
          was member of  selection  committees of CNR, INFM and University positions.  She  is  referee of  international  journals
          and international projects.  Her research activity  concerns  theoretical  and  computational aspects  of  solid state  physics
          and of the physics of disordered and  complex systems. In particular, her earlier studies have concerned with the electronic
          properties of  crystalline semiconductors and the diffusion of  charged  impurities in  these  materials  investigated  by  total
          energy  self-consistent pseudopotential calculations. Starting from 1996 her activity is devoted to the study of the electronic
          transport  properties,  breakdown processes  and   fluctuations  of   the  electrical  properties  of   semiconductors,  metals,
          oxides, conductor-insulator composites  and other disordered materials,  which are  mainly analyzed by using   the  resistor
          network approach, percolation models and  Monte Carlo simulations. Recently, she has started  to study of  the properties
         of complex networks  and of  large biomolecules. She is the author of more than 60 international publications.

        Teaching Activity:

       Partecipation to National and International Research Projects:

         Partecipation to National and International Societies and Institutes:

        Main Collaborations (chronological order):