Selected Papers  1999-2004



1) Dynamical formation of intergroup noise under sub-terahertz cyclostationary conditions
Semicond. Science Technol., 19, S170 (2004)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, L. Reggiani, L. Varani, J.C. Vaissiere, S. Perez and T. Gonzalez.

2) Giant suppression of shot noise as signature of coherent transport in double barrier resonant diodes,
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 19, S161 (2004)
V. Ya Aleshkin, L. Reggiani, N.V. Alkeev, V.E. Lyunchenko, C.N. Ironside, J.M.L. Figuerido and C.R. Stanley.

3) A macroscopic quantum Langevin equation
Semicond. Science Technol. 19, S232 (2004)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruvzinskis and L. Reggiani.

4) Linear and nonlinear regime of Random Resistor Network under biased percolation
Comp. Mat. Sci. 30, 120-125 (2004)
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani, E. Alfinito.

5) Non-Gaussianity of resistance fluctuations near electrical breakdown

Semicond Sci Technol , 19,  S164 2004

C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito, L. Reggiani, S. Ruffo


6) Shot Noise in Linear Macroscopic Resistors
Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press)
G. Gomila, C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani, M. Sampietro, G. Ferrari and G. Bertuccio

7)  Monte Carlo Simulation of Shottky Diodes Operating under Terahertz
Cyclostationary Conditions
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25(1) 1-3 (2004)

P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, S. Perez, T. Gonzales, L. Reggiani, L. Varani, J. C. Vaissiere.   

8) Non-Gaussianity of Resistance Fluctuations near Electrical Breakdown in granular materials
Physica A ,340(1-3), 380-387,2004
C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito. L. Reggiani and S. Ruffo

9) Avoiding Spuriouw Velocity Overshoots in Hydrodinamic Simulations of Deep Submicron Devices by Physical Modelling of Heat Transport
Semic. Scie Tech, 19 S142-144 (2004)

L. Varani, C. Palermo, J. C. Vaissiere A. Greiner and L. Reggiani

10) Non-Gaussian Resistance Fluctuations in Disordered Materials
Proc. SPIE: Fluctuations and Noise , in press
C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito, L. Reggiani and S. Ruffo

11) Fluctuations of Complex Networks: Electrical Properties of Single Protein nanodevices
(Invited paper)  Proc. SPIE: Fluctuations and Noise , in press
C. Pennetta, V. Akimov, E. Alfinito and L. Reggiani


1) Role of energy correlation on Coulomb suppression
of shot noise in ballistic conductors contacted to degenerate reservoirs
Phys. Rev. B 68, 075309, 1-6 (2003)
T. Gonzalez, J. Mateos, D. Pardo, G. Gomila I.R. Cantalapiedra and
L. Reggiani

2) Upconversion of partition noise in semiconductors operating under
periodic large-signal conditions
Phys. Rev. B67, 165201 1-10 (2003)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, L S. Perez, T. Gonzalez,
L. Reggiani, L. Varani and J.C. Vaissiere

3) On the origin of shot noise in CdTe detectors
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 2450 (2003)
G. Ferrari, M. Sampietro, G. Bertuccio, G. Gomila and L. Reggiani

4) The Bessel equation and  dissipation,
 in : "A Garden of Quanta: Essays in honor of  Hiroshi Ezawa", World Publ. Co., Singapore, pp. 245-256 (2003) Eds. A.Tonomura, K. Nakamura. I. Ojima

E. Alfinito, G. Vitiello

5) Giant suppression of shot noise in double
barrier resonant diode: a signature of coherent transport
Semicond. Sci. Tech. 18, L35 (2003)
V.Ya Aleshkin, L. Reggiani, N.V. Alkeev, V.E. Lyunchenko, C.N. Ironside,
J.M.L. Figuerido and C.R. Stanley

6) Monte Carlo Simulation of Threshold Bandwith for High Order Harmonics Extraction
IEEE-TED, 50, (5) 1171 (2003)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, Reggiani, L. Varani and J.C. Vaissiere

7) Upconversion of intergroup hot-carrier noise in semiconductors
operating under periodic large-signal conditions
Fluctuation Noise Lett. 3, L51, (2003)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gru\v zinskis, L S. P\'erez, T. Gonz\'alez.
Reggiani, L. Varani and J.C. Vaissiere

8) Monte Carlo simulation of electromigration phenomena in metallic lines
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 62,  495 (2003)
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani and E. Alfinito

9) Unipolar transport and shot noise in metal-semiconductor-metal structures
J. Appl. Phys., 93, 375-383 (2003)
G. Gomila I.R. Cantalapiedra and L. Reggiani

10) Simulation of Electromigration Phenomena and Associated Resistance Noise in Al-Cu Metallic Lines,
Proc. 17-th Intern. Conf. ICNF 2003, Praga 18-23 August 2003, Ed. J. Sikula, pp759-762 (2003).
E. Alfinito, C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani, F. Fantini, I. De Munari and A. Scorzoni,

11)  1/f Noise in the Steady State of Random Resistor Networks,
Proc. 17-th Intern. Conf. ICNF 2003, Praga 18-23 August 2003, Ed. J. Sikula, pp 651-654 (2003)

C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito, L. Reggiani, V. Akimov, M. Borgarino and  F. Fantini

Time reversal, Loop-antiloop symmetry and Bessel equation,
Mod. Phys Lett. B 17 (23), 1207-1218 (2003
E.Alfinito and G. Vitiello

13) Shot noise enhancement and suppression in single and multiple barrier diodes
Proc. SPIE in Noise and Information in Nanostructures, Sensors and Standards, 5115, 116 (2003)  (invited talk)
L. Reggiani, V. Ya Aleshkin and A. Reklaitis

14)  To Be or Not to Be a Source of  Shot Noise: An Open Problem of Generation-Recombination Noise
AIP Conf. Proc. (UPON2002, Ed Bezrukov) 665, 512-519 (2003)
G. Gomila and L. Reggiani

15) Steady State of Random Resistor Network under Biased Percolation: A Framework for Noise in Disordered Materials?,
 AIP Conf. Proc. (UPON2002, Ed Bezrukov) 665, 480-487 (2003)
C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito and L. Reggiani

16) Can Quantum Regression Theorem Be Reconciled with Quantum Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem?,
AIP Conf. Proc. (UPON2002, Ed Bezrukov) 665, 592-599 (2003)
P.  Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis and L. Reggiani

17)  Microscopic Investigation of Large-Signal Noise in Semiconductor Materials and Devices,
 Proc. of  SPIE 5115, 252-266 (2003) invited talk
T. Gonzales, S. Perez, E. Starikov, P. Shiktorov, V. Gruzinskis, L. Reggiani, L. Varani and J.C. Vaissiere

18)  Monte Carlo Simulation of Electronic Noise under Large-Signal Operation,
AIP Conf. Proc. 665, 504-511 (2003)
E. Starikov, R. Shiktorov, V. Gruizinskis, S. Perez, T. Gonzales, L. Reggiani, L. Varani and J. C. Vaissiere,

19) Revisited Quantum Aspects of Fluctuation  Dissipation Theorem,
 Proc. 17-th Intern. Conf. ICNF 2003, Praga 18-23 August 2003, Ed. J. Sikula, pp 31-36  (2003)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, L. Reggiani

20) Giant Suppression of Shot Noise in Double Barrier Resonant Diode: A Signature of Resonant-Tunneling Against Sequential-Tunneling Model,
 Proc. 17-th Intern. Conf. ICNF 2003, Praga 18-23 August 2003, Ed. J. Sikula, pp 473-476  (2003)
V.Ya. Aleshkin and L. Reggiani

21) Resonant Enhancement of Hot-Carrier Noise under High Frequency Large-Signal Operation,

 Proc. 17-th Intern. Conf. ICNF 2003, Praga 18-23 August 2003, Ed. J. Sikula, pp 599-602  (2003)
E. Starikov, R. Shiktorov, V. Gruizinskis, S. Perez, T. Gonzales, L. Reggiani, L. Varani and J. C. Vaissiere

22) Monte Carlo Simulations of Large Signal Noise in Shottky Diodes,
 Proc. 17-th Intern. Conf. ICNF 2003, Praga 18-23 August 2003, Ed. J. Sikula, pp 645-649  (2003)
S. Perez, T. Gonzales, E. Starikov, R. Shiktorov, V. Gruizinskis,, L. Reggiani, L. Varani and J. C. Vaissiere


1) Effect of magnetic field quantization on the shallow acceptor spectrum in strained Ge/GeSi heterostructures
Phys. Rev. B 66, 155336 (2002)
V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, D. B. Veksler, and L. Reggiani

2) Semiclassical theory of shot noise in ballistic n(+)-i-n(+) semiconductor structures: Relevance of Pauli and long-range Coulomb correlations
Phys Rev B 66 (7):  075302 (2002)
Gomila G, Cantalapiedra IR, Gonzalez T, et al

3) Resistance and resistance fluctuations in random resistor networks under biased percolation
Phys. Rev. E 65, 066119 (2002)
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani, Gy. Trefán, and E. Alfinito

4) Resistance noise near to electrical breakdown: steady state of random networks as a function of the bias
FNL 2(1) R29 (2002)
C. Pennetta

5) Monte Carlo calculation of electronic noise under high-order harmonic generation
Appl Phys Lett 80 (25): 4759 (2002)
Shiktorov P, Starikov E, Gruzinskis V, et al.

6)  Stationary regime of random resistor networks under biased percolation
J Phys C 14 (9): 2371(2002)
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani, E. Alfinito and Gy. Trefan

7)  On topological defect formation in the process of symmetry breaking phase transitions,
Mod.Phys.Lett. B16 (4), 93 2002
E. Alfinito, O. Romei and G. Vitiello

8)Domain formation in non-istantaneous breaking phase transitions,
Phys Rev B 65 (5): art. no. 054105  (2002)
E. Alfinito, and G. Vitiello

9) Monte Carlo calculations of THz generation in nitrides
Phys Status Solidi A 190 (1): 247 ( 2002)
Varani L, Vaissiere JC, Starikov E, et al.


1) Scaling and Universality of Resistance Noise near to Electrical Breakdown,
(invited paper) in print on
 Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations,
Gainesville, Florida, October 2001.
C. Pennetta

2) A percolative approach to electromigration of metallic lines,
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics,34,1421,2001
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani, G. Trefan, F. Fantini, A. Scorzoni, I. De Munari

3)  Transfer-field methods for electronic noise in submicron semiconductor structures
Riv Nuovo Cimento 24 (9): 1 (2001)
Shiktorov P, Starikov E, Gruzinskis V, et al.

4)  Electron transport and shot noise in double-barrier resonant diodes: The role of Pauli and Coulomb correlations
Phys Rev B 64 (24): art. no. 245333 ( 2001)
Aleshkin VY, Reggiani L

5)  N-type negative differential conductance in quasiballistic single-barrier heterostructures
J Appl Phys 90 (8): 3979 ( 2001)
Aleshkin VY, Reggiani L, Reklaitis A

6)  Monte Carlo simulation of terahertz generation in nitrides
J Phys C 13 (32): 7159 ( 2001)
Starikov E, Shiktorov P, Gruzinskis V, et al.

 7) Fractional exclusion statistics and shot noise in ballistic conductors
Phys Rev B 63 (16): art. no. 165404 (2001)
Gomila G, Reggiani L

 8) On reverse concatenation and soft decoding algorithms for PRML magnetic recording channels
IEEE J Sel Area Comm 19 (4): 612 (2001)
Reggiani L, Tartara G

 9)  Electron transport and shot noise in ultrashort single-barrier semiconductor heterostructures Phys Rev B 63 (8): art. no. 085302 ( 2001)
Aleshkin VY, Reggiani L, Reklaitis A

 10) Monte Carlo simulation of THz maser based on optical phonon transit time resonance in GaN
IEEE T ELECTRON DEV 48 (3): 438 (2001)
Starikov E, Shiktorov P, Gruzinskis V, et al.

 11)  Monte Carlo simulation of the generation of terahertz radiation in GaN,
J. Appl. Phys. 89, 1161 (2001)
E. Starikov, P. Shiktorov, V. Gruzinskis, L. Reggiani, L. Varani, J.C. Vaissiere and Jian H. Zhao

 12) Fractional exclusion statistics and shot noise in ballistic conductors,
Phys. Rev. B63, 165404 1-6 (2001)
G. Gomila and L. Reggiani

  13) Electron transport and shot noise in ultrashort single-barrier semiconductor heterostructures,
Phys. Rev. B63, 085302 1-11 (2001)
V. Aleshkin, L. Reggiani and A. Reklaitis

 Current instability and shot noise in nanometric semiconductor heterostructures NANOTECHNOLOGY 11 (4): 370-374 DEC 2000
Aleshkin VY, Reggiani L, Reklaitis A

 Shot-noise suppression in Schottky barrier diodes,
J. Appl.  Phys. 88, 3079 (2000)
G. Gomila, L. Reggiani and J.M. Rubi

 Maximum Entropy Principle within a total energy scheme for hot carriers in
Phys. Rev. B61, 16667 (2000)
M. Trovato and L. Reggiani

 A Percolative Approach to Reliability of Thin Films,
IEEE Trans. on Electronic Devices 47, 1986, 2000
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani and G. Trefan

 Anomalous crossover between thermal and shot noise in macroscopic diffusive conductors,
Phys. Rev. 62, 8068 (2000)
G. Gomila and L. Reggiani

 Enhanced shot noise from tunneling and space-charge positive feedback,
Phys. Rev. B62, 16773 (2000)
A. Reklaitis and L. Reggiani

 Scaling and Universality in Electrical Failure of Thin Films,
Phys. Rev. Lett.,  84, 5006, 2000
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani and G. Trefan

 Scaling Law of Resistance Fluctuations in Stationary Random Resistor Networks,
Phys. Rev.Lett.,  85, 5238, 2000
C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani and G. Trefan


 Reply on Comment: Universality of the 1/3 shot-noise suppression factor in nondegenerate diffusive conductors,
Phys. Rev. Lett.,  83, 1267 (1999)
T. Gonzalez, C. Gonzalez, J. Mateos, D. Pardo, L. Reggiani, O.M. Bulashenko and J.M. Rubi

 Monte Carlo study of shot-noise suppression in semiconductor heterostructure diodes,
Phys.Rev. B60,11683 (1999)
A. Reklaitis and L. Reggiani

 Microscopic analysis of shot-noise suppression in nondegenerate diffusive conductors,
Phys. Rev. B 60, 2670 (1999)
T. Gonzalez, J. Mateos, D. Pardo, O.M. Bulashenko and L. Reggiani

 Spatio-temporal correlation of conduction current fluctuations within a hydrodynamic-Langevin scheme,
Appl. Phys. Lett.  74, 723 (1999)
P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, T. Gonzalez, J. Mateos, D. Pardo, L. Reggiani, L. Varani, J.C. Vaissiere and J.P. Nougier

 Maximum Entropy Principle for Hydrodynamic Transport in Semiconductor Devices,
J. Appl. Phys.85,  4050 (1999)
M. Trovato and L. Reggiani

 Maximum Entropy Principle for Nonparabolic Hydrodynamic Transport in Semiconductor Devices
J. Appl. Phys.,  86, 5906 (1999)
M. Trovato, P. Falsaperla and L. Reggiani

 Effects of the epitaxial layer thichness on the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodes
J. Appl, Phys.  86, 1004 (1999)
G. Gomila and O.M. Bulashenko

 Anisotropy of thermal conductivity and energy-flux relaxation time of hot electrons in semiconductors,
J. Appl. Phys.  85, 1572 (1999)
R. Brunetti, P. Golinelli, M. Rudan and L. Reggiani

 Unified interpretation of the fundamental units of electrical and thermal conductance'' in:
Highlights 1996/1997 INFM Report  (M. Airoldi and F. Gorini Edts., Microart's, Recco (Ge) Italy, pp 51-52 (1999))
L. Reggiani

 Thermal effects on the electrical degradation of thin film resistors,
Phyisica A, 266, 214, 1999
C.Pennetta, L Reggiani, L.B.Kiss

 Excess Thermal-Noise in the Electrical Breakdown of Random Resistor Networks,
Europ. Phys. J.  B12, 61, 1999
C. Pennetta, L. B. Kiss, Z. Gingl and L. Reggiani

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